

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Now that's a corny, very unoriginal take on a title, right?

Somedays you got it, some you don't.

Today would be a don't day.

But: Yay! I'm blogging, so all is forgiven.

I've been making a little less this summer and far more thoughtfully. I don't know what's happening to me with age, but consumerism and the whole having for having sake/making for making sake is bugging me. It doesn't sit comfortably with me. I do love to make, but not so much that I have to make incessantly to feel my creativity is sated.

I wear a uniform 4 days out of 7. How many dresses/skirts/tops/insert item here does one person need? I'd rather have a thoughtfully created wardrobe that serves me well on those days I need one.

So my output and blogging has not been as great. Or when I've sewn it has been uncharacteristically unselfishly so: lovingly created swimsuits received ecstatically by the Monkey, teacher gift Genoa Totes, a much needed winter cowl (never mind that it's the middle of summer). And on those days I chose not to create I ran.

And I feel good. I feel healthily balanced and creatively satisfied.

This is an awesome wrap skirt. A remake of what has become a TNT. The delightful vintage Simplicity 7395 first made in hot air balloon fabric (because... novelty fabric) back here.

This time I kept the length as drafted, which incidentally is well below the knee. I must have chopped a fair bit off last time. But after my recent midi dress love I felt compelled to continue the theme. I think this may be ever so slightly too long to make it truly flattering. I have a very slight heel on these sandals and with flats it's a bit meh. Time will tell.

I do love the result. The fit is still superb (with no adjustments at all). I am, however, a bit disappointed with the Ikea fabric I used. The print is stunning, but...

Unlike the fabric I used for The Shrinking Violet this one is printed on a stark white base. This means needles holes are visible and permanently so. I did need to unpick once and then had to re-sew the seam with a deeper seam allowance to avoid seeing the white dots from the unpicking. Topstitching was dicey for the same reason. Pray you don't have to unpick and redo. Oh and when that skirt wraps gets blown about you get this...

Also the surface has got some weird wear going on. On its first outing, I thought I leant on something dusty. But when I tried to sponge the "dust" off it didn't budge. It was like it created a wear spot/line immediately. I notice that the waistband is subject to the same fate where is wraps over itself. But really, it's meant as a home furnishing fabric, and at $7.99/m what can one expect?

It irks me that the fabric quality means a short-lived garment (grrrrr to throwaway fashion), but it's a lesson learned and I'll simply enjoy it while it lasts.

And it is rather lovely.

Meanwhile, I'll just be over hear holding up this pole.

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