Yesterday saw my Hits and Misses and today we are onto Reflections and my own little variation "Plans".
This year saw some big changes for me - picking up sticks (the knitting kind), renaming and re-styling my blog, and finding my
1. Rowing my own boat:
I have never really jumped on bandwagons. I have worked to try to remain true to my style (for momentary lapses of reason see my Misses) and in a way simply row my own boat. I feel like it'd be really easy to jump on every new pattern release, be it Big 4 or indie, and just go a bit cray cray. But truly, I have not seen any this year that are truly my style or that I didn't already have a similar version of. I have adored following other fantastic bloggers and their interpretations of these, but still they are for the most part, just not me.
2014 will see me keep on with trying to stick with my style (don't ask me to name it), and if the right pattern comes up, purchase I will.
2. I'm a 70's kind of girl
I am constantly drawn to the 70's silhouette, especially dresses and skirts of the a-line variety with clean, long, lean lines. They simply suit my body type. And I am OK with that. I love expanding my ridiculously growing stash of pre-loved 70's patterns and have been so fortunate to be thought of when Mums and Grandmothers are clearing out. Anyone wanting to offload unloved 70's patterns? I'm your girl.
On this note: Jillian, you are not so suited to the sometimes billowy, flouncy, ruffled 70's monstrosities. DO. NOT. GO. THERE!
3. Fitting? Meh, not so much
I am destined to sew sacks/garments with minimal tailoring. I truly am the worst kind of student. My motivation wanes at the first hint of effort. I do want to learn tailoring and fitting techniques, but I just gotta find the time. I really don't have oodles of spare time to devote to my crafts as it is and then taking additional time to learn stuff seems like an investment I can't afford... yet I know I will create get better garments as a result.
Right, Jillian, it's time to finish, and apply, that dastardly Adjust the Bust course.
I really, really do. I have busy hands and I find myself drawn more and more to the gentle art of knitting to satisfy my restless hands syndrome. It really does fit my sensibilities and my tagline summer sewing and winter knitting simply feels like a good fit (see what I did there? Fit? Never mind). I find winter sewing to be of the too challenging persuasion (see 3 above) and this results in radio silence for my blog and frustration for this here crafter. I've found my niche.
5. Planning... hmmm
Planning and lists and promises all seem like a good idea at the time, but leave me with a sense of guilt and anxiety as I get tempted in other unplanned directions. I love reading others plans and so thought perhaps it was time to make my own. But truly friends, I prefer a more organic approach. I plan on no or little planning in the future.
1. No Plans
I plan to give myself a break and make few plans. This does not mean crafting will grind to a directionless halt, in fact it will free me to just get on with whatever takes my heart's fancy. And that feels good.
I do already have yarn and patterns for my next winter knitting projects! I've never wished summer away in my life, but yeeha, bring on knitting weather!
In the meantime, I plan on lots more gorgeous sewing projects.
And to finish up, here's to a brilliant New Year, full of happiness, peace and love for you all. Oh and the deliciousness of new projects and the freedom to create... that'll do me. How about you?
I'm off to do a bit more of this...
...before real life (otherwise known as back to work) sets in.