
Hello? Hello? Hello.....?

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Oh I started the year with such fervour and good will! Three posts in the first two months! Yippee! I know, that's very few for the average blogger, but for me it was akin to climbing Everest.

You see, whilst I don't often share what's going on, in an effort to make everything rosy and sweet, I've actually got a confession to make. In an attempt to escape my demons I spend all my spare time reading other's blogs instead of attacking the insurmountable beast that is my own. Why? The "black dog", the "grey cloud"... depression, my lovely readers.

I know the story is not new, I am well aware that many people out there have tough times, but there it is. That life suck, that energy drainer, that thief of inspiration and creation, Depression.

I started the year fairly well as evidenced by my posting at all. But I've started to slide a little and it may be time to give it the attention it deserves. Hello family doctor, can you help me feel better?

I actually have a few completed projects but the idea of photographing and chronicling them is just so.... insurmountable. I've also got two UFOs sitting on my sewing table which are unlikely to be finished any time soon as both have some fitting issues and the clouds in my brain make it difficult to work out a fix, or the idea of alterations just feels too tiring. Yeah, one or the other. What? You mean I have to get off the couch? But it's so cosy here and requires nothing of me!

So my dear friends and readers (I know there are at least a few of you out there), my message is that I am here and very likely stalking your blogs, but it's time to start working on me. I'm gonna kick this beast to the curb, so if I'm absent for a while longer I hope you'll forgive me and know that I am not hiding, just finally asking for the help I should have done months ago.

And for those out there who are traveling the same road, know there are other's out there and when we actually reach out, ask for help and tell our story it can help us start to heal our hearts.

Till next time...
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